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The Food Industry in Northern Germany is on a Strong Footing

The food industry is the second-largest processing industry in Schleswig-Holstein and one of the state’s key business sectors. Its share of turnover in this category, at 15 percent, is above Germany’s national average.

However, what makes the food industry so important to Schleswig-Holstein is not just its size. Most importantly, thanks to its steady growth and innovative potential this industry has stimulated economic development in Northern Germany and Schleswig-Holstein in particular. The North has convincingly demonstrated that tradition and the entrepreneurial will create better products and are not mutually exclusive. On the contrary, in recent decades, we have seen the development of a dense network of producers, processing companies and vendors between the North and Baltic Seas, generating increasing revenues.

The region has long been a location for renowned enterprises and institutions. Moreover, besides large companies with longstanding traditions, there are many small and medium-sized companies with successful operations at various points in the value chain.

foodRegio currently has 82 active member companies and institutions in all five North German states.

Our Members (as of June 2020)

APOrtha Deutschland GmbH
Arla Food Logistics GmbH
Bauck GmbH
Biochemisches Institut für Umweltcarcinogene, Prof. Dr. Gernot Grimmer-Stiftung
Brand Upgrade GmbH
Bressmer & Francke (GmbH & Co.) KG
Cavendish & Harvey Confectionery GmbH
CellTec Systems GmbH
CP Kelco Germany GmbH
CRConsultants GmbH & Co. KG
Das Futterhaus - Franchise GmbH & Co. KG
Deutsches Institut für Maschinensicherheit
DMK Deutsches Milchkontor GmbH
egoh Entwicklungsgesellschaft Ostholstein mbH
Entava GmbH
Erasmi & Carstens GmbH
Eurofins NDSC Food Testing Germany GmbH
Fachhochschule Kiel
Fauser Vitaquellwerk KG
FEMEG Produktions- und Vertriebs GmbH
Fraunhofer-Einrichtung für Individualisierte und Zellbasierte Medizintechnik IMTE
Frey + Lau GmbH
Friesenkrone Feinkost Heinrich Schwarz & Sohn GmbH & Co.KG
Funk Consulting GmbH
GALAB Laboratories GmbH
GB Foods Deutschland GmbH
GBA Holding GmbH
Gebrüder Jancke GmbH
GoodMills Innovation GmbH
Gutzmann GmbH
H. & J. Brüggen KG
Hawesta Feinkost Hans Westphal GmbH & Co. KG
Hela Gewürzwerk Hermann Laue GmbH
Husumer Mineralbrunnen HMB GmbH
hypo-A GmbH
IHK Industrie- und Handelskammer zu Lübeck
J. G. Niederegger GmbH & Co. KG
Joh. Wilh. von Eicken GmbH
KaTech Ingredient Solutions GmbH
KIN Lebensmittelinstitut e.V.
Konditorei Junge GmbH
LADR Der Laborverbund Dr. Kramer & Kollegen GbR
Landmolkerei Hagenow GmbH
Langnese Honig GmbH & Co. KG
LEFO-Institut für Lebensmittel und Umwelt GmbH
LOEHRKE - Jürgen Löhrke GmbH
Lübecker Marzipan-Fabrik v. Minden & Bruhns GmbH & Co. KG
Lubs GmbH
Neue Mayo Feinkost GmbH
Nordgetreide GmbH & Co. KG
Nordischer Maschinenbau Rud. Baader GmbH + Co. KG‍
oncampus GmbH
Perfood GmbH / Million Friends
Peter Kölln GmbH & Co. KGaA
Pharma Peter GmbH
Popp Feinkost GmbH
Roder Kunststofftechnik GmbH
Rotmilan Consulting GmbH
Schwartauer Werke GmbH & Co. KG
Soluro GmbH & Co. KG
Stern-Wywiol Gruppe GmbH & Co. KG
Tate and Lyle Food Systems
Technische Hochschule Lübeck
Terheggen & Dethlefsen Food Engineering GmbH
ttz Bremerhaven
Uelzena eG
Universität zu Lübeck
Waldemar Behn GmbH
Werner Lauenroth Fischfeinkost GmbH
Wilhelm Brandenburg GmbH & Co. oHG
Wire Belt Company Osterloh GmbH
Wirtschafts- und Aufbaugesellschaft Stormarn mbH
Wirtschaftsförderung LÜBECK GmbH
WTSH – Wirtschaftsförderung und Technologietransfer Schleswig-Holstein GmbH

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